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Jilin province develops border tourism industry cluster

gojilin.gov.cn | Updated: May 14, 2024
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The Laotudingzi scenic area. [Photo/WeChat account of Youyou Jilin]

Jilin province is leveraging its resources to promote cultural and tourism activities, achieving significant success during holidays. Recently, the provincial government initiated the "10 Actions" plan to develop tourism in border villages, which focuses on constructing the G331 Border Tourism Corridor.

The integration of resources from various departments and border regions to promote the G331 Border Tourism Corridor and the prosperity of border villages is a significant step towards revitalizing Northeast China.

The G331 corridor offers breathtaking ecological landscapes, unique ethnic cultures, rich historical heritage, and abundant red tourism resources. Coupled with the province's top cultural and tourism assets, this corridor presents significant development potential.

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The Songling Snow Village. [Photo/WeChat account of Youyou Jilin]

The province's cultural and tourism department will focus on three key areas: coordinating efforts, enriching offerings, and cultivating the market. They will regularly monitor progress, address challenges, and support policy and resource allocation for border village tourism. Efforts will also be made to develop diverse tourism products and enhance hospitality capacities. Marketing strategies will include online and offline promotions, themed activities, and creative tourism experiences to attract visitors and accelerate the development of the border tourism market.

Jilin aims to create new tourism products, such as "Border Tours", and integrate multiple attractions to establish premium travel routes. The development of cross-border tourism with China, North Korea, and Russia will foster unique brands, positioning the G331 corridor as a major national border tourism route. The goal is to create a 10-billion-yuan ($1.38 billion) border tourism industry cluster that will enhance the province's tourism landscape and support robust economic growth.