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Töv Province, Mongolia

Updated: July 26, 2021
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Töv Province, Mongolia.jpg

Jilin province and Töv Province established a friendly relationship on May 25, 2018.

Töv (means "central" in Mongolian) Province, or Töv Aimag, borders the national capital Ulaanbaatar to the north and is indeed in the center of the country. The provincial capital is Zuunmod, due south of Ulaanbaatar, with the Bogd-Khan Mountain in between. That mountain is part of the Bodg Khan Uul Biosphere Reserve.

Agriculture and animal husbandry are the pillar industries of the province, meeting the primary needs of the capital city's development. The province provides 5,000 to 6,000 tons of vegetables and thousands of tons of fresh milk and dairy products to the capital.

Local industries focus on food processing, machinery maintenance, carpets, ceramics, and mining. The national large enterprises include Baganuur coal mine, Zaamar gold factory and Lunge green-stone mine.

Natural resources are abundant and there is a high forest coverage. Besides coniferous and broad-leaved forests, there are precious medicinal plants, various species of wild animals, rivers, lakes and other water resources.

The Gorkhi-Terelj National Park, founded in 1993, covers a part of the Khentii Mountains. It is best known for its spectacular rock formations, including a rock that looks like a giant turtle when viewed from the right perspective. The landscape has an alpine character, with larch and pine forests, sparkling mountain rivers, and very diverse flora and fauna.