The Jilin province delegation, led by Vice-governor Yang Andi, made a prominent appearance at the 7th China International Import Expo (CIIE) in Shanghai on Nov 5.
As the 2024 snow season approaches, Jilin city in Jilin province is preparing to welcome visitors to its winter attractions.
The Fifth Plenary Session of the 12th CPC Jilin Provincial Committee was held on Oct 16 in Changchun – capital of North China's Jilin province – with major decisions announced.
Foreign political party leaders and diplomatic envoys have commended the country's strategy of revitalizing Northeast China amid efforts to comprehensively promote Chinese modernization, and they expressed hope that such an ambitious plan will bring about more opportunities for cooperation.
The fourth China New E-Commerce Conference took place on Sept 26-27 in Changchun – capital of Northeast China's Jilin province – focusing on the theme of "Building New E-Commerce, Sharing New Development".
Northeast China's Jilin province – a global hub for ginseng production – is actively implementing the Changbai Mountain Ginseng Revitalization Project, in order to enhance the industry's crop quality and sustainability.
As the autumn season unfolds, the vast fields of Northeast China's Jilin province are immersed in the sights, sounds and scents of a golden harvest.
The 10th GTI Northeast Asia Tourism Forum was held on Sept 19 in Hunchun, Northeast China's Jilin province. GTI members discussed enhancing cross-border tourism routes and developing sustainable eco-tourism projects.