Jilin eyes boosting Red Tourism on China Tourism Day

Updated: May 17, 2021

The Jilin municipal bureau of culture, radio, television and tourism organized a self-driving tour themed on "Green Development for Better Life" on May 19 to mark China Tourism Day. The road trip, with a focus on local Red Tourism attractions, was also designed to celebrate the centenary of the Communist Party of China.

Jilin saw China Tourism Day as an opportunity, and launched diverse projects and activities including the road trip to further accelerate the recovery of the cultural and tourism industry, add momentum to the market and promote the development of local tourism.

A product promotion activity themed on spring and summer tours in Jilin city, along with peripheral public benefit services such as travel consultations and publicity for attractions, was also held on May 19 to give this year's event a huge build-up.

To launch China Tourism Day-themed activities and projects, three road trip motorcades took the lead in setting out on a journey. Taking the Red Tourism travel routes, they visited local related sites and learned about the history of the CPC.

In addition, Changchun and Jilin cities cooperated to design featured boutique travel routes between the two places and bridged partnerships between tourism enterprises of the two cities, pursuing win-win results and promoting the integration of Changchun-Jilin cultural and tourism industries.

Many counties and districts of Jilin city also rolled out colorful activities on the day.

吉林-news-我市将举办“红色百年情 吉林自驾行”暨5.19中国旅游日吉林市主题活动-1.png

The Campsite of General Yang Jingyu, a patriotism education base. The National Forest Park of Hongshi in Huadian county, including the Campsite of General Yang Jingyu, was free to public on May 19. [Photo/Jilin Municipal People's government]

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A cultural tourism festival is hosted by the Chuanying district bureau of culture, radio, television and tourism in the Beishan Scenic Area on May 19. [Photo/Jilin Municipal People's government]

吉林-news-我市将举办“红色百年情 吉林自驾行”暨5.19中国旅游日吉林市主题活动-3.png

A publicity day with the theme of civilized and green traveling is planned on May 19. [Photo/Jilin Municipal People's government]

吉林-news-我市将举办“红色百年情 吉林自驾行”暨5.19中国旅游日吉林市主题活动-4.png

A Red Tourism site in Lianhuashan National Forest Park, Panshi county-level city, Jilin city. Panshi launched an activity to publicize the local tourism resources and products on May 15. [Photo/Jilin Municipal People's government]

吉林-news-我市将举办“红色百年情 吉林自驾行”暨5.19中国旅游日吉林市主题活动-5.png

A Red Tourism destination in Yongji county, Jilin city. Yongji focused on promoting rural tours, scenic areas and local snacks on May 19. [Photo/Jilin Municipal People's government]

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