FAW-Volkswagen sells 1.9m vehicles in 2023

(gojilin.gov.cn) Updated: January 5, 2024

FAW-Volkswagen has released its sales data for the full year of 2023, with a total of 1.91 million vehicles sold (including imported Audi models), representing a 4.8 percent year-on-year increase.

Among them, Volkswagen sold 1,050,017 vehicles, a 0.9 percent year-on-year growth, marking two consecutive years of growth. Audi sold 698,188 vehicles (including imported models), showing an impressive 9.8 percent year-on-year increase in sales volume. Jetta sold 162,000 vehicles, with a notable growth of 10.3 percent compared to the previous year. FAW-Volkswagen's steady progress, innovative drive, and strong development momentum are evident.

FAW-Volkswagen's dedication to continuous improvement and innovation has played a crucial role in its success. By staying competitive and responsive to changing consumer preferences, FAW-Volkswagen has positioned itself as a leading player in the automotive industry. The strong sales figures for 2023 indicate a positive outlook for the company's future growth and market influence.
