Changbai Mountains offer best summer photo spots

Updated: August 8, 2022

The Changbai Mountain range – located in Northeast China's Jilin province – is a national 5A scenic area that is listed in the UNESCO Man and Biosphere Reserve Program and is also an international A-level nature reserve.

The scenic area, staying cool in the summer season, is said to offer the best spots for travelling and taking pictures.


The spring water at the Julong Bingquan Scenic Spot in Changbai Mountain is certainly refreshing. The temperature is extremely low – in fact, close to freezing. [Photo/WeChat account of Changbaishan Release]


The extraordinary striations of the rocks, pictured in the Changbai Mountain Julong Volcanic Stone Forest Scenic Spot. [Photo/WeChat account of Changbaishan Wenlyu]


This interior view shows the fascinating gamut of exhibits that are on offer in the Changbai Mountain Mammoth Theme Park. [Photo/WeChat account of Changbaishan Release]


There are 120 fine sculptures with different themes in the Changbai Mountain Pine International Sculpture Park. They have been made by 77 internationally renowned sculpture masters from more than 30 countries. [Photo/WeChat account of Changbaishan Release]


Tianchi – also known as the Heavenly Lake – is now decorated by a cornucopia of summer flowers that come in bright colors. [Photo/WeChat account of Changbaishan Release]


The Changbai Mountain Jianshuihe National Wetland Park boasts glorious species of wild wetland flowers. [Photo/WeChat account of Changbaishan Release]

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