Major carbon fiber plant launched in Jilin city

Updated: July 8, 2022

屏幕截图 2022-07-06 171209.jpg

The launch takes place of the new carbon fiber plant in Jilin city. [Photo/Jilin news network]

A major production plant for Jilin Chemical Fiber Group Co, with an annual output of 60,000 metric tons of carbon fiber, was officially launched in Jilin city, in Northeast China's Jilin province, on July 5.

The plant is based in the National Carbon Fiber High-tech Industrialization Base in Jilin city.  

The National Carbon Fiber High-tech Industrialization Base has established six major industrial parks, including a carbon fiber industrial park and a carbon and carbon composite materials industrial park. There is also an automotive lightweight product industrial park and a carbon fiber and composite materials public service platform, which all cater to the entire carbon fiber industry supply chain.

The newly opened carbon fiber plant cost 10.3 billion yuan ($1.54 billion) and it has 18 intelligent carbon fiber production lines.

Under the province's development plan, Jilin city is endeavoring to transform itself into a chemicals city focusing on new materials.

According to the blueprint, the city will accelerate the construction of key projects such as Jilin Chemical Fiber's ethylene transformation facility and other projects that upgrade the entire industrial supply chain.

With Jilin Chemical Fiber Group Co as the lead enterprise, Jilin city now boasts 19 R&D and carbon fiber producers, including 12 above a designated scale – those with annual revenue of 20 million yuan or more.  
