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Ancient human settlements of the Changbai Mountain area

gojilin.gov.cn | Updated: January 10, 2024
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The Dadong site in the core area of the ancient human settlements of the Changbai Mountain area is located in Dadong village, Chongshan town, Helong city. The region has a history of frequent volcanic activity, resulting in an abundance of high-quality materials such as obsidian and tuff, ideal for the processing and production of stone tools. In 2010, and from 2021 to 2023, the Jilin Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology conducted archaeological excavations at the site. Over 15,000 stone artifacts were unearthed, dating back 20,000 to 30,000 years ago. Based on the distribution of artifacts, the site's preliminary estimated area exceeds 1 million square meters, making it the largest Paleolithic site discovered in the Northeast Asia region.

Contact: Zhao Yufeng

Tel: +86 0433-4269771

Address: Helong City Museum, Helong city, Jilin province